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Landlord FAQ’s

Do I have to pay for my property to be posted – listed – on your website?
No, it’s free! (we reserve the right not to post any listing received).
How long before I see my listing on the website?
New listings are reviewed before being listed on the website.  The approval process will typically be 1 to 2 business days.  Your listing must meet PCHA rental standards and guidelines to stay on our website at no charge.
What will my ad look like?
All listings placed on our site will have the format below.

Can I list more than one property?
Yes you can, just use our add-on form to submit each of the listings. We do not have a limit on how many listings an owner can have (subject to change) on our website.

How long will my listing remain on the PCHA website?
We will remove listings that remain on our site for over 3 months.  We will also remove a listing by request.

How do I remove my listing now that it has been rented?
Just click here to send an email to our “REMOVE MY LISTING” address, removal can take up to 10 business days. Please include a copy of your current listing in the body of the email message.
My listing isn’t on the PCHA website, or my listing was on the website, and now it’s gone. What happened to it?
Most likely your listing did not meet PCHA’s free listing standards.  Below are some of the reasons why your listing was possibly removed or isn’t being displayed.   

  • The rental property is not in Pierce County
  • Applicant/tenant is not able to use Section 8 Housing Vouchers
  • Rent amount is above Fair Market Rent or PCHA Payment Standards
  • Content not suitable for public forum (as determined by Pierce County Housing Authority)
  • Listing is more than 3 months old

What are the Fair Market Rent/PCHA Payment Standard amounts?

Payment Standards
If you have any other questions please email us at [email protected] or use our Contact Us page.